Walking to Work with FromLucie

Walking To Work

In New York, walking to work is a special thing. Before the city begins to buzz, a cute outfit & often a cup of coffee are necessary to start the day. With fall in the air & our friends back from summer travels around the world, we asked them to share their favorite stops along the way to their offices, studios, & stores.

Meet Lucie

Lucie Franc de Ferriere bakes the most delicious & delicate cakes that have become a staple of every New York City girl’s celebrations. 

On her walk through the East Village to her new cake shop…  

She jots down ideas in her journal…

Takes a few calls along the way…

Fills her favorite straw bag with fresh flowers…

And gets to work building her dreamy new space.

On Lucie: Linen JacketTiny Tank Terry, & Terry Skirt.

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